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Англо-русский словарь - sum


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Перевод с английского языка sum на русский

up резюмировать, суммировать; It is the chairmans duty to sum up at the end of the meeting.
 1. noun
 1) сумма, количество; итог; sum total - общая сумма
 2) сущность
 3) арифметическая задача
 4) pl. арифметика, решение задач; he is good at sums - он силен в арифметике sum and substance - самая суть in sum - в общем, коротко говоря Syn: see total
 2. v. складывать, подводить итог (часто sum up); These ten books sum up this years production. - sum up
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См. в других словарях

  1. сумма, количество, итог (также sum total) a sum of money —- сумма денег to pay a great sum for smth. —- заплатить за что-л. большую сумму денег the sum of all my wishes —- все мои желания вместе взятые to mount up to the sum of $10 —- достичь суммы в десять долларов; равняться в итоге десяти долларам 2. разг. арифметическая задача; арифметический пример to do sums —- решать задачи или примеры 3. pl. школ. арифметика to be good at sums —- быть сильным в арифметике 4. книж. конечная цель; высшая точка the sum of human bliss —- вершина человеческого блаженства to increase the sum of human knowledge —- пополнять сокровищницу человеческих знаний Id: in sum —- в общем, короче говоря; суммируя, резюмируя Id: sum and substance —- самая суть; сердцевина (чего-л.) Id: the sum and substance of an argument —- суть аргумента Id: the sum of things —- общественное благо; высший интерес; вселенная, мироздание 5. складывать, подводить итог (часто sum up) 6. (to) равняться, составлять (сумму) to sum to $10 —- равняться десяти долларам 7. решать арифметические задачи 8. суммировать, резюмировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сумма – sum of events – sum of products – error sum of squares – total sum of squares ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. сумма, итог - Lump sum - assign a sum - compensation in the sum of... - lump sum amounts - lump sum distribution - lump sum payment - realize a sum - round sum - sum insured - sum of money - sum owing - sum payable - sum total - to the sum of - total sum set for the budget 2. гл. 1) складывать 2) подводить итог 3) суммировать 4) резюмировать SUM сумма; суммировать – sum of results – lump sum – penal sum ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) задача 2) итог 3) просуммировать 4) резюмировать 5) складывать 6) слагаемое 7) сумма 8) суммарный 9) суммировать absolutely convergent sum — абсолютно сходящаяся сумма between treatment sum of squares — сумма квадратов между условиями испытаний (в факторном эксперименте) block sum of squares — сумма квадратов для блоков carry out the sum over all n — вычислять сумму по всем n complete direct sum — полная прямая сумма corrected sum of squares — исправленная сумма квадратов crude sum of squares — приближенная сумма квадратов discrete direct sum — матем. сумма прямая слабая, дискретная сумма error sum of squares — сумма квадратов ошибки game with constant sum — игра с постоянной суммой interaction sum of squares — сумма квадратов для взаимодействия rectangular partial sum — прямоугольная частная сумма regression sum of squares — регрессионная сумма квадратов spherical partial sum — сферическая частная сумма sum of arithmetic progression to n terms — сумма n членов арифметической прогрессии sum of infinite series — сумма бесконечного ряда sum of n-th powers — сумма n-х степеней sum of power series — сумма степенного ряда sum of relative frequencies — сумма частостей sum of squared deviations — сумма квадратов отклонений sum of squares for contrasts — сумма квадратов для контрастов (в факторном эксперименте) sum with respect to — суммировать по symmetric partial...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сумма; итог; суммировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сумма sum of horizontal components sum of the moments at the joint algebraic sum of moments cold sum contingency sum contract sum ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сумма; итог суммировать, складывать; подводить итог 2) мн. ч. арифметика sum to infinity — сумма бесконечной геометрической прогрессии - algebraic sum - alternating sum - arithmetic sum - check sum - finite sum - integral sum - logical sum - lower sum - modulo N sum - ordered sum - partial sum - trigonometric sum - upper sum - vectorial sum - vector sum ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the total amount resulting from the addition of two or more items, facts, ideas, feelings, etc. (the sum of two and three is five; the sum of their objections is this). 2 a particular amount of money (paid a large sum for it). 3 a an arithmetical problem (could not work out the sum). b (esp. pl.) colloq. arithmetic work, esp. at an elementary level (was good at sums). --v.tr. (summed, summing) find the sum of. Phrases and idioms in sum in brief. summing-up 1 a review of evidence and a direction given by a judge to a jury. 2 a recapitulation of the main points of an argument, case, etc. sum total = sense 1 of n. sum up 1 (esp. of a judge) recapitulate or review the evidence in a case etc. 2 form or express an idea of the character of (a person, situation, etc.). 3 collect into or express as a total or whole. Etymology: ME f. OF summe, somme f. L summa main part, fem. of summus highest ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~me, from Anglo-French ~e, somme, from Latin ~ma, from feminine of ~mus highest; akin to Latin super over — more at over  Date: 14th century  1. an indefinite or specified amount of money  2. the whole amount ; aggregate  3. the utmost degree ; ~mit reached the ~ of human happiness  4.  a. a ~mary of the chief points or thoughts ; ~mation the ~ of this criticism follows — C. W. Hendel  b. gist the ~ and substance of an argument  5.  a.  (1) the result of adding numbers the ~ of 5 and 7 is 12  (2) the limit of the ~ of the first n terms of an infinite series as n increases indefinitely  b. numbers to be added; broadly a problem in arithmetic  c.  (1) disjunction 2  (2) union 2d  • ~mability noun  • ~mable adjective  II. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to calculate the ~ of ; total  2. ~marize  intransitive verb to reach a ~ ; amount ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sums, summing, summed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A sum of money is an amount of money. Large sums of money were lost... Even the relatively modest sum of ?50,000 now seems beyond his reach. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. A sum is a simple calculation in arithmetic. I can’t do my sums. N-COUNT 3. In mathematics, the sum of two numbers is the number that is obtained when they are added together. The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. N-SING: the N of n 4. The sum of something is all of it. ‘Public opinion’ is only the sum of the views of thousands of people like yourself... N-SING: the N of n 5. see also lump sum 6. If you say that something is more than the sum of its parts or greater than the sum of its parts, you mean that it is better than you would expect from the individual parts, because the way they combine adds a different quality. As individual members’ solo careers have proved, each band was greater than the sum of its parts. PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »MONEY« an amount of money  (a large/small sum (of))  (Sid was left a large sum of money by his aunt. | for the sum of)  (It was mine for the sum of -20.)  (- see also lump sum, princely sum princely (1)) 2 the sum of the total produced when you add two or more numbers together  (The sum of 6 and 4 is 10.) 3 greater/more than the sum of its parts a group of things or people that is greater than the sum of its parts has a quality or effectiveness as a group that you would not expect from looking at each member 4 »CALCULATION« BrE a simple calculation by adding, multiplying, dividing etc, especially one done by children at school 5 do your sums informal BrE to calculate whether you have enough money to do something  (Well I've done my sums, and I think I can afford a holiday.) 6 in sum old-fashioned used before a statement that gives the main information about something in a few simple words  (It was, in sum, a complete failure.)  (- see also sum total) ~2 v sum up summed, summing phr v 1 to give the main information about a report, speech, trial1 (1) etc in a short statement at the end; summarize  (to sum up)  (So, to sum up, we need to concentrate on staff training. | sum sth up)  (The last chapter sums up the arguments.) 2 T sum someone/something up) to form a judgment or opinion about someone or something  (Pat summed up the situation at a glance.) 3 that (about) sums it up spoken used to say that you have said everything that is important about a subject  (- see also summing­up) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. SOHO User's Manual funny abbr. Self Updating Memory softw. abbr. Software User's Manual softw. abbr. Support Upskilling And Multicultural softw. abbr. Software User Manual gen. comp. abbr. Single User Monitor file ext. abbr. Summary media abbr. Straight Up Margin gen. bus. abbr. Systems Unit Method ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1300, from Anglo-Fr. and O.Fr. summe, from L. summa "total number, whole, essence, gist," noun use of fem. of summus "highest" (related to super "over"). The sense development from "highest" to "total number" is probably via the Roman custom of adding up a stack of figures from the bottom and writing the sum at the top, rather than at the bottom as we do now (cf. the bottom line). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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